
仙台 语言交换

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母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  英语
Hallo!! I'm Japanese. I speak Japanese. I'm studying English. I like history of the world.
母语 :  日语
Hello, My name is Bon and I live in Sendai, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish, French, Serbian and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
练习语言 :  日语
Bonjour! D'origine canadienne, je cherche quelqu'un pour parler français avec et aller dans les cafés de Sendai ou les évènements. Je pourrais vous aider à pratiquer le français. Suis intéressée à la culture populaire japonaise, au bouffe, aux voyages et aux arts. Quel est vôtre signe astrologique?
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
I'm Dave. I love volleyball, karaoke, food, and exercising! Let's talk!
母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello. Nice to meet you all .My name is Dai Hasegawa. I registered to learn English. I'm not good at English, but I would appreciate it if you could teach me kindly. Thank you!
练习语言 :  英语, 俄语
23, university sutudent, learning English and other languges, love sports and music.
母语 :  日语, 日语
练习语言 :  英语
I wanna help people studying Japanese.
母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  法语
Hello, My name is chiharu and I live in Sendai, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
24歳、イギリス人です。仙台に働いています。 Twenty four years old, from England and still studying Japanese. I work in Sendai. My hobbies include watching football (soccer), drinking with friends, watching Netflix and playing games. 趣味はサッカーを見て友達と一緒に酒を飲んでNetflixを見てゲームをすることです
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
I am looking for language exchange partners in the sendai area. I am a male from the Seattle area and have been living in Japan for a while. I look forward to meeting new friends.