
悉尼 语言交换

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母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  德语
I have enough language partners now, I'm not looking for any more. Ich habe jetzt genug Tandemparter, danke. Hallo! Mein Name ist Amy und ich bin 32 jahre alt. Ich studiere Deutsch, bin aber erst Anfänger. Mein Niveau ist sehr niedrig. Mein Großvater kam von Deutschland nach Australien, aber Sprache und Kultur wurden nicht weitergegeben. Ich möchte meiner Tochter eine zweite Sprache schenken und einige Traditionen weitergeben können. Meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Spazieren am See, Schwimmen und Bogenschießen. Ich habe vor kurzem mit Muay Thai angefangen. Ich bin frisch gebackene Lehrerin und lektoriere nebenberuflich. In der Vergangenheit habe ich ein wenig Japanisch und Chinesisch gelernt. Ich suche nur deutschsprachige Frauen für einen Sprachaustausch. Ich würde Ihnen im Gegenzug gerne mit Ihrem Englisch helfen. Mit freundlichen Grüße!
母语 :  中文 (其它)
练习语言 :  英语
Hi, I'm Helen born in China. Now I'm living in Sydney. I know many a Chinese culture And working in the two countries, China and Australia, So I hope can practice English for my job, I can help you Chinese language and tell you Chinese culture ,history and economy
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  阿拉伯语
i’m sam!! i’m 14 years old, looking for someone to help me learn arabic 😭😭 i may be quite slow if i am asked to teach english, as i am NOT the greatest teacher, but please bare with me!
练习语言 :  英语
G'day~! I live in Sydney Australia. I am friendly and a big fan of movies, music and art etc. I have lived in Korea for 7 years. Therefore I can speak Korean fluently and help you with Korean too. Let's learn and make friends ~💗Cheers!
母语 :  英语
I'm a doctor working in Sydney. I've always been interested in learning foreign languages. At present I am learning Chinese and Korean, both of which I sometime need for my work. I am a native English speaker and have a very standard English pronunciation which should be easy to understand for most English learners. I would be very happy to exchange Chinese/Korean for my English. Please let me know if you are interested.
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语
영어공부와 경험을 위해 호주로 왔어요! 한국어와 영어 언어 교환하실 분 구합니다
练习语言 :  法语, 英语
Hi! I am Candice who has lived in Australia for more than 8 years. I am working in an Internet company in Sydney. I am looking for a language exchange partner who is a native speaker of English or/and French. In return, I would love to help you with your Chinese. I am a patient person who also can speak standard Mandarin without any accent. If you want to improve your Chinese and are willing to teach people English or/and French, please send me an email or add me on WeChat. I am a fluent English speaker and a beginner in French learning.
母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  英语
hello, I want to speak English fluently and now I live in Sydney. I'll stay here for a year. My hobby is watching movie and traveling. Let's be friends!!
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hi everyone, I am based in East Sydney currently attending absolutely beginner Korean class at KCC on Tuesday evenings, and I would love to improve my Korean in every aspect. I am a native Chinese(Mandarin) speaker and an advanced English speaker. I am very confident with my capability of teaching both languages, which is not only coz of my passion of teaching and leaning, but also the fact that I am holding a teaching certificate in China, a NATTI translation certification in Australia and IELS 7 on each band. On top of all these, I also completed a LLB law degree in China, JD law degree in Australia, and currently working in the legal industry. I absolutely enjoy reading and writing. Hence, please believe me that I can be the most suitable person to improve your Chinese and English. If you would also like to teach me Korean, please hit me up. Many Thanks, Vivi
练习语言 :  英语
I'm a native speaker in Mandarin, and have stayed in Australia for 3 years. I'm looking forward to improve my English to next level. In exchange, I can help with Madarin problems.