
克拉科夫 语言交换

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母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello, My name is Maja. I'm 21 years old and I live in Kraków, in Poland. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Polish in exchange.
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  俄语, 英语
Hi, My name is Agnieszka. I'm from Poland, live and work in Krakow. I graduated with Russian Philology so I know the Russian language quite well. I would like to improve my English to be able to talk fluently and to expand my vocabulary. I'm 37 years old, working for the corporation, and have two cats who are my true love. I like outdoor activities like swimming, cycling, and going to the mountains but also meeting with friends to play some board games or crocheting together. I love listening audiobooks while I'm going for a walk and reading books. I would like to meet someone for interesting conversations in English and Polish. I don't mind what is your sex or age.
母语 :  英语, 波兰语
练习语言 :  法语, 英语
Hello, I'm a student from Poland, I'm speaking English on the level B2+, and French on A1, I'm interested in conversation in both of these languages. I'm interested in technology, abstract ideas, language learning and psychology. I love music, mostly Funk and Pop, and I probably know a little too much about recent popculture.
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  乌克兰语
Я навчаюсь в університеті на першому курсі української філології і хочу подружити з Українцями та трохи поспілкуватись :)
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  英语
Hi! My name is Tomasz. I'm form Poland. I have 32 years old and I live in Cracow. I'm looking for a person to practice conversations in English. I work as a scientist by day, I have a Ph.D title in environmental sciences. English is a very important aspect of my scientific work, and the last time I had the opportunity to speak the language was when I was still at university. I therefore feel a lot of resistance to taking up conversation, but I think I need it. My hobbies are mountain hiking, sports (mainly cycling) and books. I hope to find someone with whom I can break the language barrier and improve my English.
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话), 法语
Hello, My name is Hieronim. I'm 27 years old and I live in Kraków, in Poland. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin) and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn Polish in exchange.
练习语言 :  英语, 中文 (普通话)
Hello everyone! I'm seeking an English-speaking friend to chat with and improve my language skills. I'm also happy to help with Russian. While I'm a beginner in Chinese, I'm eager to learn more. Outside of language learning, I adore cats and enjoy traveling and playing video games. Let's connect and start a meaningful exchange of language and culture!
母语 :  英语, 波兰语
练习语言 :  西班牙语, 德语
Hi everybody! :) As a native speaker of Polish and a teacher of English language I'd love to exchange either of them for Spanish or German. I'm more or less communicative in both but still need a lot of practice. So, if you're interested in an exchange, just drop me a line :)
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello! I want practice my English, and i can teach you Polish!
母语 :  波兰语
练习语言 :  德语, 西班牙语, 英语
I live in Poland and I am a teacher - I teach Polish as a foreign language and English. I love learning languages myself - I learning Spanish and know some German.