
底特律 语言交换

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母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  西班牙语
I am an older teacher in the local high school. I teach mathematics. I can speak and read some Spanish but I have a hard time understanding. I very much want a conversation partner so that I can practice. My hobbies include hiking, cooking , reading. movies, exercising, camping, traveling, and more.
母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  英语
I am Sean.I Came from Tokyo and now living in MI for my work. I feel I should improve my english. Is there anyone willing to help me? In return I can help with your Japanese or Korean if interested. My hobbies are working out at gym, cooking,trying new restaurants,watching movies and animes. Thank you.
练习语言 :  德语
I'm Jonatan Martínez and I like to learn. I'm particularly interested in learning German because I found it fascinating. I'll definitely help you learn Spanish or English if you're willing to help me learn German. Other than languages I also love science and the outdoors. I like to camp and do experiments.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hello, My name is Emily and I live in Detroit, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn English in exchange.
母语 :  英语, 法语
练习语言 :  日语
Hi my name is Andrew. I am a college student in the US, majoring in Neuroscience. I'm looking to do a language exchange with someone who speaks Japanese. I can speak English and French. My hobbies include reading, playing sports, gaming, watching shows, and enjoying people's company. Please reach out. I'd love to get to know you.
母语 :  英语
Hi, My name is Caroline and I'm from the USA! I've been taking Spanish for 6 years in school and consider myself somewhat proficient but I'm always looking for more practice, and I've recently started learning basic Mandarin! I would of course exchange to help someone practice with more English
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
初めまして!あたしはアメリカの高校生のアリーです!2年間日本語を勉強していたですけど、まだ下手です。I can help you to practice english if you’d like as well! Just send me a message ^-^ (please no romance) よろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️
母语 :  越南语
练习语言 :  英语
Im a student. I love cooking, baking and hanging out with friends
母语 :  英语
Lifelong language student and teacher. Always looking for new friends in faraway places. If you need help with English, or with making a plan to learn a tricky new language, get in touch! Aside from language, I enjoy studying religion, literature, poetry, and history, and just reading old books in general. Perennially battling against computer programming and mathematics. I eat plants.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  葡萄牙语
My name is Tim. I'm 30 years old, my 4 month old daughter is partially Brazilian and her mother died in an accident a few months after she was born. Her mother was American and didn't know Portuguese but we always wanted to have our daughter learn a second language from a young age, and so my goal is to know enough Portuguese in a few years to teach it to my daughter while she learns English. I decided on Portuguese and am looking for someone who knows BR Portuguese that is learning English so we can help each other practice these languages. Alguém é muito novo em inglês como eu sou novo em Português?
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  葡萄牙语
My name is Tim. I'm 30 years old, my 4 month old daughter is partially Brazilian and her mother died in an accident a few months after she was born. Her mother was American and didn't know Portuguese but we always wanted to have our daughter learn a second language from a young age, and so my goal is to know enough Portuguese in a few years to teach it to my daughter while she learns English. I decided on Portuguese and am looking for someone who knows BR Portuguese that is learning English so we can help each other practice these languages. Alguém é muito novo em inglês como eu sou novo em Português?
母语 :  英语
Hello! My name is Nina. I'm a world traveller but find myself back in my hometown of Detroit MI currently. I'm looking to continue practicing my Ukrainian and Portuguese. Thanks in advance for your time and looking forward to our exchange. I'm happy to teach/practice English and look forward to the cultural exchange.
练习语言 :  葡萄牙语
oi! meu nome é fernanda prazer! estou aprendendo português actualmente, e falo espanhol também inglês. profissionalmente, sou uma technologista e gosto muito de astrologia. adoro conhecer pessoas de diferentes países, e agora prinicpalmente do brasil.
练习语言 :  西班牙语, 英语
Hello, My name is Jaewoo and I live in Detroit, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Japanese and Korean in exchange.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语, 朝鲜语
I'm Evie. I like making new friends and I am learning Korean and Japanese. I like to listen to music and game.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语, 西班牙语
안녕하세요~ 제 이름은 재스민입니다.만나서 반가워요. 나는 24 살입니다, looking for a Korean pen pal to practice learning Korean with. I love to sing and write music. I also model as well. I love making friends, so if you are just in need of a friend message me!! P.S. I am also obsessed with kpop lol
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
こんにちは!!!私の名前はコーリです。 3年前から日本語を勉強しますけどまだ上手じゃありません。 会えに楽しみにしています。大好きな趣味はギターをやったり音楽を聴いたり日本語を勉強します。 I am fine with finding a study buddy who is also an English speaker. Any level is fine. Looking forward to meeting you. I am available on discord. 私はDiscordを使います
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hello! My name is Aubree! I’m studying Psychology in college. I’m also a cosmetologist and am working as a hair stylist. I enjoy music, movies and trying new food! I am very interested in Korean culture and would love to learn the language! Although I’m having a hard time learning without someone teaching me. I would love to be friends and help you learn English if you would help me learn Korean!
母语 :  英语
Hello, I am a college student looking to find Japanese, Chinese and Arabic language partners to help me learn the language. I find the histories, cultures, lifestyles and languages very interesting and would love to learn more. I'll also help with English in return. My hobbies are international politics, world history, watching anime and playing online games. If you're interested, please send Discord, LINE, Skype or WeChat Invite.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hi, my name is Mackenzie. I am currently learning Korean. I am still in High School. I am looking for someone that’ll help me with this language.