
奥地利 语言交换

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母语 :  匈牙利语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话)
Hello, My name is Bela and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin). I'd be happy to help you to learn Hungarian in exchange.
母语 :  英语, 日语
练习语言 :  德语
はじめまして!☺️ 今年1月からオーストリアGraz🇦🇹に在住しています‼️ 1人だと、、、だらけてしまうので喝を入れて本格的にドイツ語を勉強したく一緒に勉強してくれる友達を探しています。 私は6月くらいにA2合格を目指しています☺️ 日本語を勉強したい方または、日本人でドイツ語勉強中の方、一緒に勉強しませんか⁇
练习语言 :  德语, 法语
Hello, My name is Marie and I live in Vienna, in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Russian and Ukrainian in exchange.
母语 :  德语
练习语言 :  法语, 英语
Hello, I'm from Austria and I would like to improve my English and French. Even though I have spent some time abroad and I watch films or read books in those languages, there is still a lot to improve. Moreover, I would like to meet international people and learn something about different cultures. In return I can practice German with you. I am interested in films, psychology, reading, music, arts and more.
母语 :  德语
练习语言 :  意大利语
Sono nato e cresciuto a Vienna. Sono giurista nel campo di diritto del lavoro. Recentemente ho iniziato a fare delle consulenze anche in italiano che rappresenta una sfida nuova per me. Sia professionalmente che nella mia vita privata le lingue giocano un ruolo importante. Mia zia ha vissuto in Lombardia dal 1972 fino al 2016, era sposata con un italiano e insegnava il tedesco là. Per questo motivo provo un legame forte con l‘Italia e la lingua italiana, ma amo anche la mia lingua madre. Attualità, musica, nuotare, italiano, tedesco, politica, arte
母语 :  德语, 英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语, 瑞典语
Hi, my name is Tabea and i am from Austria. I would love to learn Korean and Swedish in return i can teach you English or German. I really love to play games with friends online PS: I'm a beginner in both languages but I‘m excited to learn more :)
母语 :  日语
こんにちは 仕事の都合でオーストリアのリンツにいます。 楽しく話して勉強したいです。 英語と中国語は少し話せます。 Hello I'm in Austria for job. I love talking and studying new languages. If you want to study Japanese, please ask me. 你好 我在奧地利工作 我喜歡聊天及學習 如果你想學習日文、請找我
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语
언어 교환 공부 좋은거 같아요. 서로 언어 공부 도움주고 받으면서 알아가면 좋을듯 합니다. 이제 그만 영어로 스트레스 안받았으면...
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语
I'd like to make a language exchange friend.
母语 :  德语, 俄语
练习语言 :  意大利语, 法语
Hello, My name is Natalia and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Italian and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Russian in exchange.
母语 :  德语, 俄语
练习语言 :  意大利语, 法语
Hello, My name is Natalia and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Italian and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Russian in exchange.
母语 :  德语, 英语
练习语言 :  西班牙语
Hello, My name is Bernd and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and English in exchange.
母语 :  德语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
안녕하세요. 독일어를 도와드릴 수 있어요. 올해 여름에 주한독일문화원에서 인턴십을 해서 그때까지 한국어를 자연스럽게 해야 될 것 같아요. 일주일에 한번씩 통화하고 서로의 언어를 열심히 연습했으면 좋겠어요~
Servus Profil-Besucher/in, nachdem ich selber gerne Profile lese, die in der Muttersprache des Benutzers geschrieben sind und ich immer viel dadurch lerne, habe ich entschlossen, auch ein paar Zeilen auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Zu mir: ich heiße Gerald und wohne zur Zeit in Baden, eine kleine Stadt südlich von Wien und etwas bekannt dadurch, dass Beethoven eine Zeit hier gelebt und währenddessen die neunte Symphonie komponiert hat - eine Information, die wohl in die Kategorie „fast interessant“ fällt. Zu meinen Leidenschaften gehören gute Literatur, Philosophie, Sport und insbesondere Turnen und, wie du dir wahrscheinlich denken kannst, das Erlernen von Sprachen. Wenn du also eine der Sprachen sprichst, die ich gerade lerne, würde ich mich besonders freuen, von dir zu hören. Gerne kannst du auch dein Deutsch mit mir üben. Also bis dann! Привет! Я только начал изучать русский язык и буду благодарен, если кто-нибудь сможет протянуть мне руку помощи. Я, конечно, могу помочь тем, кто изучает и хочет практиковать немецкий язык. مرحبا بكم، تعجبني كثيرا اللغة العربية ورغم أنني لا أحتاج إلى من يعلمني، سأكون سعيدا بتبادل أطراف الحديث معكم بهذه اللغة الخلابة - وخاصة بغيت نحسن المستوى ديالي في الدارجة المغربية. كذلك سيكون من دواعي سروري مساعدتكم في اللغات التي أجيدها، لكن أرجو أن تفهموا عدم اهتمامي بتعليم أو ممارسة الإنجليزية. أتطلع إلى تلقي رسائلكم!‏ Olá a todos. Quanto ao português, estou aqui principalmente para passar as horas vagas na esperança de ter alguma conversa interessante com pessoas que queiram compartilhar cultura e - já que muito raramente tenho a oportunidade de fazê-lo onde moro - comunicar um pouco nesta maravilhosa língua que é o português. Também estou a disposição caso precisarem de ajuda com o alemão ou espanhol.
母语 :  德语
Hello, I'm Martin. Thanks for visiting my profile :) I'm a fun and curious person and like to talk about many things. I also love to talk about mathematics and statistics :p. I would like to make (longterm) friends from all over the world and especially practice Japanese, Mandarin and Korean. I can help you with German or tell you about Austria. :)
母语 :  德语, 英语
练习语言 :  法语, 西班牙语
Based in west Austria, citizen of the world. A big fan of languages, fitness and nature.
I am in my 30s from Hong Kong. My other language is Cantonese. I hope to practise the German anguage so that I can talk with my partner's family and have more job opportunities in Vienna, also can get to know more about Austrain culture, and expand my worldview. English and Mandarin are not my mother tongues yet I would be more than happy to practice them too.
练习语言 :  俄语, 德语
Hi ich komme aus der mongolei.wenn sie wollen mongolische schprahe lernen.ich kann gut zeigen danke
Hello, My name is Kareem and I live in in Austria. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish, Arabic and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Turkish in exchange.
练习语言 :  德语
hey! I'm Berke, I'm 23 years old and moved to Vienna last autumn. I'm still learning German, but I realized it was hard to practice when I'm inside the English-speaking circle. In my free time I'm either dancing or painting, and I love talking about politics and psychology. I can help you with either English or Turkish, and the mode of conversation doesn't matter to me. Looking forward to meeting you!