
比利時 语言交换

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I spent some time in Taiwan as an exchange student, really appreciated my experience there. I'm looking forward to going back but I really need to improve my Chinese skills in the meantime! I can help you mainly French or English. If you want someone who can explain some grammar points, I can mainly do that in French as I have more in-depth knowledge of that for that language but I can speak English perfectly and notice and/or correct certain sentence patterns to help you look a bit more natural. I'm looking for partner(s) to practice Mandarin Chinese, whether from China, Taiwan or any other country, I would be happy to hear about your opinions, your daily life and your culture. I generally try to set up fixed meetings each week so we both have a good idea of when and how we'll be practicing. I also enjoy texting in other languages, I think that also helps a lot to improve so I'm up for daily little chats as well!
母语 :  日语
练习语言 :  荷兰语
I'm currently living in Belgium. Though my husband is Belgian, we are always talking in English and it's kinda difficult to have conversations in Dutch often. My Dutch is beginner level, and I want to improve it more.
练习语言 :  阿拉伯语
练习语言 :  德语
Hallo, ich heiße Daria. Momentan lerne ich Deutsch auf B2 Niveau, aber ich brauche mich mehr sprachlich üben, weil ich große Motivation für Weiterbildung als Krankenpflegerin habe. Ich mag kochen, malen und viel Neues probieren, so kann ich sowohl eine schöne keramische Vase machen, als auch die Haare schneiden :)
母语 :  西班牙语
练习语言 :  法语
Hola a todos, Mi nombre es Mariano, mi lengua materna es el español, he nacido en Argentina, pero vivo y trabajo en Belgica; enseñando español. Hace tres años he comenzado a estudiar francés, que es una lengua que me gusta mucho, y quisiera intercambiar clases de conversacion con alguna persona francesa que este estudiando el español Saludos Mariano
母语 :  英语, 荷兰语
Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm a 23 year old student studying in Antwerp, Belgium! I speak fluent English and I'm native Dutch speaking. I would love to meet up with others and learn how to speak French/Chinese/Japanese/Italian/Swedish :) My interests are fashion, pop culture, anime, TV shows (Vikings, Game of Thrones, Peaky blinders, etc.), music but I can also talk about other things. I love meeting people and hanging out, doesn't matter whether it is while drinking coffee, working out, going to parties, shopping, etc. I'm a really flexible person!
练习语言 :  英语, 荷兰语
Hello, My name is Bowen and I live in in Belgium. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Dutch. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hi my name is either yey or hazz online, you can use withever one you prefer. I am 15 years old and would like to learn korean because I noticed I consume a lot of korean media and I thought why not? I can still barely say anything but we can use translating services like papago at the start. I would like to talk to someone my age and some of my hobbies are climbing, playing video games and being chronically online. 파파고로 번역한: 안녕하세요 제 이름은 yey 또는 hazz 온라인입니다. 저는 15살이고 한국 미디어를 많이 소비한다는 것을 알게 되었고 왜 안 되냐고 생각했기 때문에 한국어를 배우고 싶습니다. 저는 아직 거의 아무 말도 할 수 없지만 처음에 파파고와 같은 번역 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다. 저는 제 나이 또래의 누군가와 이야기하고 싶고 제 취미는 등반, 비디오 게임 및 만성 온라인입니다.
母语 :  法语
Hi everyone ! I'm Maxence, I'm a student in translation and interpreting in Brussels and I would like to practice and to level up my Chinese (I have an hsk3). I can offer exchanges in French and/or English since I'm fairly confortable in both languages. If that sounds nice to you send me an email
练习语言 :  德语
Hi all, I’ve recently finished studying German B2.3 level at the Goethe-Institut Brussels, and would like now to practice my German with a native speaker. In exchange, I can help with French (mother tongue), Spanish, English and Dutch (3 languages in which I’m fluent) 😊 Please don’t hesitate to contact me if interested!