
白俄羅斯 语言交换

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母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话), 德语
Hello, My name is Ksenia and I live in in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin) and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
练习语言 :  英语, 德语
Hello, my name is Alex and I'm 22 years old. I am from Belarus, I am studying to become a doctor, I dream of moving to Germany in the future I started learning German in December, I would like to find a person from Germany to learn the language . In my free time from studying, I do crossfit, read, watch movies/series, like to play the guitar and cook desserts. I am a very friendly and sociable person, always happy to meet new people and communicate.
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  英语
Hi! My name is Nataliya and I live in Minsk, Belarus. I speak native Russian and am interested in practicing English. I hope with this website I finally found someone for exchange. Feel free to get in touch.
练习语言 :  英语, 中文 (普通话)
Hi, my name's Ksenia. I am 18 y.o. I wanna practice my English and Chinese. I also can help you to study Russian or Belarusian.
Hello, My name is Galbraith. I'm 25 years old and I live in in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English, Spanish, Esperanto and Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) and Chinese (Other) in exchange.
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  西班牙语, 英语
I really hope to find good people in terms of interlocutors and teachers who will become useful in my language learning and I, in turn, will help them. I work as an accountant in the UAE and as a math tutor. I love nature, reading, sports, interesting and creative people.
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  法语
Dear friends! I am a teacher of history, philosophy and Latin at Mozyr University (Republic of Belarus). I speak English relatively well. For my professional work, I have recently needed French - both for reading literature and (more relevantly) for communicating with Francophone students. The level that I need is at least B1. I am ready to help interested comrades in mastering the Russian language. Mes chers amis Je suis professeur d'histoire, de philosophie et de latin à l'Université de Mozyr (République de Biélorussie). Je parle relativement bien anglais. Pour mon travail professionnel, j'ai récemment eu besoin du français - à la fois pour lire de la littérature et (plus pertinent) pour communiquer avec les étudiants francophones. Le niveau dont j'ai besoin est au minimum B1. Je suis prêt à aider les camarades intéressés à maîtriser la langue russe.
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  阿拉伯语
Hello, My name is Alla, and I live in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner for learning Arabic. I would be glad to help you learn Russian or Belarusian in exchange. مرحبا، اسمي ألاء ، وأعيش في بيلاروسيا. أنا أبحث عن شريك لتبادل اللغة لتعلم اللغة العربية. سأكون سعيدًا لمساعدتك على تعلم اللغة الروسية أو البيلاروسية في المقابل.
练习语言 :  英语
Ирина. Инженер. Люблю кататься на велосипеде, ходить в кино, общаться, читать книги, мечтать,...
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Здравствуйте! Вот и я решилась попробовать изучать корейский язык. Очень прошу помощи. Мне 43 года. Хочу сделать себе подарок на день рождение - поездку в эту замечательную страну. А вы ведь знаете без минимального знания языка эта идея провальна. Помогите осуществить мечту!!!
练习语言 :  波兰语
hi !! i’m interested in practicing Polish. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello, My name is Елена and I live in Minsk, in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hi, my name is Ekaterina, I come from the Republic of Belarus, my native language is Russian, I will be glad to help you learn. I want to learn Korean.
母语 :  俄语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话)
Я филолог, имею опыт преподавания русского и аглийского языков. После перерыва хочу восстановить уровень владения китайским языком. Буду рада общению на любые интересные темы. Помогу освоить русский язык.
练习语言 :  英语
Hello, My name is Tatsiana and I live in Mogilev, in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Belarusian and Russian in exchange.
练习语言 :  英语, 塞尔维亚语
Hello everyone. My name is Julia. I love life in all its manifestations. My destination is getting upper intermediate level in English. It is for my work. And I would like to get know more about Serbian. It is for my soul. In return I could share with you my cnowledge in Russian or endangered Belarussian. Dream of visiting every single country in the world and seeing marvellous beauty of nature. Let's talk, share ideas, impressions and points of view.
练习语言 :  意大利语
Mi chiamo Aleksey. Sono nato in Bielorussia e ci abito da tutta la vita, ho 33 anni. Sto capendo che mi fa fatica dire qualcosa determinativa su di me. Sono nato, ho vissuto un certo periodo e continuo a vivere. Sto cercando, sto perdendo e sto ritrovando qualche piccolo senso della propria vita. Si può dire che ho attualmente una certa passione per le lingue, ma esercito quasi esclusivamente l'italiano. Per altro mi sono abbituato a questo ambito, perché ho studiato nella scuola linguistica, dove imparavo lo spagnolo. Vorrei provare a fare la conversazione con qualcuno/qualcuna. Sono di madrelingua russa. Conosco anche il bielorusso ma non lo parlo bene.
练习语言 :  英语, 俄语
Я китаец, учился в Мозырь и сейчас изучаю , Специальность“ Русский язык и литература. Иностранный язык (английский) ”.в то же время я также надеюсь, что люди из других стран и этнических групп смогут понять китайский язык и культуру. I am Chinese, I studied in Mozyr and now I am studying, Specialty “ Russian language and literature. Foreign language (English). ”At the same time, I also hope that people from other countries and ethnic groups will be able to understand Chinese language and cultur
Hello, My name is Katerina. I'm 17 years old and I live in Minsk, in Belarus. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German, Polish, Korean and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Belarusian and Russian in exchange.
Всем привет! Меня зовут Юля, я работаю преподавателем иностранных языков. Я очень люблю читать, увлекаюсь психологией и музыкой, также мне очень нравится учить иностранные языки. В данный момент времени мне бы хотелось улучшить свой испанский, я в нем совсем новичок, а также было бы интересно попрактиковать итальянский, немецкий и английский, взамен могу помочь с русским языком.