
英语 语言交换

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练习语言 :  日语
Hello, My name is Jansen. I'm 24 years old and I live in in Singapore. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn English and Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.
母语 :  英语, 挪威语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话)
你好!我的中文名叫郁金,我十七岁了。我会说挪威语和英语,也会说一点中文。来和我一起聊天吧 :)
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
안녕하세요! 미국에서 왔어요. I am currently a beginner in Korean. I am a part time student and a full time employee. I love to read, hike, watch dramas, and learn about more cultures.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语, 中文 (普通话)
Hello! My name is Myli but you can call me Infinix if you want. I am 17 and a highschool student. I currently live in Texas, one of the states in the US. I'm only able to speak and text English for now since I'm a beginner in Japanese and Chinese. I like to play videogames and listen to music. I hope to make good friends on here! (I deeply apologize for any late response)
母语 :  英语, 宗加语
¡Hola! Me llamo Ndzalama. Quiero aprender español de Latinoamérica. Estudio Ciencias de la Computación y Informática. Seamos amigos. Yo puedo ayudar con inglés. 我叫Ndzalama. 我在学习中文(普通话)和斯瓦希里语。我喜欢学语言,看书,听歌和画画。我会说英语。我们是朋友吧。 Hi. My name is Ndzalama. My hobbies are language learning, drawing and reading. I am currently focusing on Spanish, Tshivenda, Mandarin and Kiswahili. I am a Computer Science and Informatics student. I like drawing, learning languages, reading and discovering new music.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
Hello, My name is Annemette and I live in in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn English in exchange.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  俄语, 法语
Bonjour! Hello! Привет! I'm Troy, a language enthusiast and a lifelong learner. Currently, I'm focusing on improving my language skills in both French and Russian. French holds a special place in my language journey as I am learning it for work purposes, as mastering French will open new doors of opportunity and enhance my professional interactions. Je suis passionné par l'apprentissage de la langue française et j'espère pouvoir m'exprimer avec aisance dans un environnement francophone. Russian, on the other hand, is a language I'm learning purely for the joy of it. Я наслаждаюсь изучением русского языка и мне интересно погрузиться в его язык и культуру. Besides language learning, I have a few other interests that keep me engaged. I'm passionate about traveling and exploring new destinations, immersing myself in different cultures. Music is a big part of my life. I enjoy listening to various genres, attending concerts, and discussing the evolution of music through the years. Another topic close to my heart is the university education experience. I appreciate the value of education, the challenges it presents, and the transformative impact it can have on one's life.. À bientôt! До скорого! Troy
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  阿拉伯语, 德语
Hi :) I’m looking for someone to practice German with. I lived in Germany for a year and have a pretty good understanding of the language. However, I still have a lot of trouble speaking. I would hate to lose everything I learned. I’m also trying to learn Arabic, but I am at a very beginner level. I would love to help you with your English as well :)
练习语言 :  日语
Hi everyone, nice to meet you all. Some introduction about myself, I enjoy running, karaoke and just hanging out with friends to chat and all. Hope to make new friends and help each other through language learning. Cheers! Yi Yang ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 皆さん、初めまして、イーヤンと申します。よろしくお願いします。ずっとシンガポールに住んでいます。今は働いています。 日本語を勉強 している理由 は特にない のです が、 趣味 みたいなものです。 年を取るごとに、新しいことを 学びたい と思うからです。 そして、ここは日本語の喋るのチャンスがないですから、私と話せるの人が探しています。英語と日本語何でもいいですよ。 では、連絡をお待ちしています。 *ところで、いつシンガポールへ来たら、教えてください!会いましょう! イーヤン
I'm an English and Spanish teacher learning languages and trying to have conversations with natives from all over the world. I'm learning French, Portuguese and Italian. My focus is on pronuntiation and communicattion rather than writing, so I'm very interested on having as many conversations as I can.