
朝鲜语 语言交换

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母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话)
Hello, My name is Giju. I'm 24 years old and I live in Vancouver, in Canada. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin). I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
练习语言 :  英语
Hello, My name is Kin and I live in in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese, Korean and Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.
母语 :  朝鲜语
Hello, My name is Maxy. I'm 23 years old and I live in in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  中文 (普通话), 英语
Hello, My name is Lucy. I'm 29 years old and I live in Seoul, in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin) and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  日语, 英语
안녕하세요, 한국에 거주하고 있고 다른 나라 언어와 역사, 문화에 관심이 많은 응급의학과 전문의 입니다. 오래전부터 계속해서 영어에 관심이 있었고 최근에 일본어 공부를 시작하게 되어 서로에게 도움이 되는 좋은 친구를 만나고 싶습니다. Hello, I am an emergency medicine specialist who lives in Korea and is interested in the language, history, and culture of other countries. I have been interested in English for a long time and recently started studying Japanese, so I want to meet a good friend who is helpful to each other. こんにちは。韓国に住んでいて他の国の言語、歴史、文化に関心が高い救急医学科専門医です。 ずっと前からずっと英語に関心があったし最近日本語勉強を始めるようになってお互いに役に立つ良い友達に会いたいです。
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语, 日语
언어교환을 위해서 이렇게 가입을 하게 되었어요. 영어를 너무 하고 싶지만 막연한 두려움이 있어요. 저와 비슷하게 한국어를 배우고 싶으나 막연한 두려움이 있으신 분도 있을 것 같아요. 서로 언어를 배우는데 도움을 주었으면 좋겠어요. 한국에 대한 여러가지를 알려드릴게요. 문화, 여행지, 맛집에 대한 이야기를 나누면서 언어를 배우는 두려움을 같이 극복해봐요! I've joined this platform for language exchange. I really want to learn English, but there's this vague fear holding me back. I think there might be others who feel the same way about learning Korean—a kind of unfounded fear. It would be great if we could help each other learn our respective languages. I can share all sorts of things about Korea with you, including its culture, tourist spots, and great places to eat. Let's overcome the fear of learning a new language together by sharing stories about culture, travel destinations, and favorite dining spots!
母语 :  英语, 朝鲜语
练习语言 :  日语
Hi. I want to learn japanese (speaking) we can have a conversation with korean or english
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  日语
저는 일본어를 할줄 모르는데 올바른 일본어인지 해석에 대한 자문을 구합니다. 한국어로 편하게 대화할 수 있으며 이상한 한국어나 부자연스러운 한국어는 고쳐드립니다 :) 私は日本語を話すことができませんが、正しい日本語であるかどうかを解釈するための助言を求めます。 韓国語で楽に会話でき、奇妙な韓国語や不自然な韓国語は直します:)
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello, My name is Sang Hun and I live in in Korea. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  英语
Hello! I am korean living in Seoul. Now I'm finding friends who can talk and exchange languages in person. I want to have a conversation about everyday life, hobbies, culture, etc. If you want to learn Korean, I can help you. I don't wanna make serious relationships here, just feel free to contact me. Thank you. :)