
休斯敦 语言交换

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练习语言 :  希伯来语
I speak English and Swahili and I'm interested in learning semitic languages, first Hebrew then Arabic. I 'm willing to teach English to anyone willing to learn/improve on it.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  阿拉伯语
HI I am Faheem. I am a videographer. My native language is English. I am very interested in learning Arabic.
练习语言 :  日语, 法语
With my parents traveling from America to Japan and Vietnam frequently, I find that learning Japanese would be useful to communicate with the locals instead of having my uncle come with me every time we visit him in Japan. If you're willing to help me learn japanese then I will happily teach you English. 両 親がアメリカから日本やベトナ ムに頻繁に旅をしている中で、 日本に来るたびに私のおじさん に来てもらうのではなく、日本 語を学ぶことは地域住民とのコ ミュニケーションに役立つでし ょう。 あなたが私が日本語を学ぶの を助けてくれるなら、私は幸せ にあなたに英語を教えます。
母语 :  朝鲜语
练习语言 :  日语, 英语
Hello, My name is Sunha and I live in Houston, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Korean in exchange.
练习语言 :  西班牙语
Hi the real name is Kebei. I have been in Houston for over five years now. I am a native Chinese speaker, and have been using English since 3rd grad. Now I'd really like to learn Spanish, so that I'd know the top three most popular languages and could talk to billions of people!
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
hi! my name is ava and i’m from texas, united states. i would love to do a language exchange with you if you could help me learn some korean. please don’t hesitate to message me first!
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  日语
Hello, my name is Katelynn and am traveling to Japan in a couple years and will be there for a few months and would just like someone to communicate with from there to learn the language and culture before actually arriving there. I am learning on my own but what fun is that? lol Also I will help you with English but I am not a teacher in it but will do my best :)
母语 :  依努庇克语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hello, My name is Emily. I'm 24 years old and I live in Houston, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn Inupiaq in exchange.
母语 :  英语
练习语言 :  朝鲜语
Hello! I am 18 from the US trying to learn korean. It would be great if I had a partner to teach me. And in exchange i could teach you English. Add me on KakaoTalk if you are interested
母语 :  越南语
练习语言 :  英语
my name is Wendy. I love learning languages and help people to learn my native language Vietnamese I am a nurse in US hospital my hobbies are yoga, swimming, taichi, piano, and violin I will teach you my language