


城市 Shatlyk
祖国 TM 土库曼斯坦
目前的国家 TM 土库曼斯坦
年龄 35
母语 EN 英语
RU 俄语
TK 土库曼语
练习语言 DE 德语
ES 西班牙语



Good time of the day, my Cuban friends! I am Chynar from Turkmenistan (yes, very very far away from you). I am of Turkmen nationality, yet I am fluent in Russian and English. I also know my way around with Turkish and German. Long time ago I meant to learn well Spanish and Italian, but I guess now is the time to catch up with my Spanish! You are welcome to write me via e-mail. And I am searching for Mrs. Mirdalia Cesar Larramendi, who was only 20 years old back in 1962. She used to live and work at her family's banana plantation (to the right from heading to Belic, probably when heading from Niquero). My Grandpa Tirkish Mulkiyev is looking forward to at least see her over skype. She was really in love with him but it did not work out because of country politics back then. Please help us find Mirdalia!!!! This is my mobile: + 993 63 34 88 91. We will be happy for any information about her!!!


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