


城市 诺维萨德
祖国 RS 塞爾維亞
目前的国家 RS 塞爾維亞
年龄 28
母语 EN 英语
SK 斯洛伐克语
SR 塞尔维亚语
练习语言 DE 德语
TH 泰语
RU 俄语



Hello! I am Mihaela. I live in Novi Sad. I am an English teacher and salesperson. I speak fluent Serbian, Slovak and English and am practicing learning Russian and Thai as a hobby. I used to be fluent in German but I forgot :( and would like to regain my skills.

I like movies, music, video games, travel, food etc. but we can talk about anything really. My interests are foreign languages and cultures, science, health and entertainment. I love going to the gym, to pub quizzes and stand-up comedy shows.

I want to make many international friends who share the same interests. Local friends also welcome :)

If you wish to practice any of the languages I speak, I look forward to your message! In exchange I'd like to study the languages I have listed.


Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!